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AL organisation has been working in rural areas in Northern KwaZulu Natal since 2001

Our main aim is to assist deeply impoverished people, families and communities within our area of focus. We provide clients with information and opportunities to better themselves and their life’s through awareness, training, skills development and counselling. AL- Organisation is a registered non-profit organisation under registration number 079-934-NPO

Our projects and programs

Group work and awareness programs
  • Early childhood development
  • Gender-based violence awareness
  • Substance abuse awareness
  • Child abuse awareness
  • Teenage pregnancy prevention campaigns
  • Behaviour change training
Individual casework
  • Victim and abuser counselling
  • HIV/AIDS counselling
  • Assistance with grant applications and paperwork
  • Assistance with filing police reports on abuse
  • Referrals to Governmental and partner organisations
  • Medical aid assistance
  • Foster family placement assistance
Skills development and outreach
  • Life skills
  • Job training
  • Hunger relief
  • Emergency Relief Fund
  • Covid 19 education
  • Soup kitchen

Meet Our Team

AL-organisation is currently working with a team of 12 people including a psychiatrist, counsellors, social workers and social auxiliary workers.

We have a very committed team of 25 volunteers that help us to roll out our programs. We can’t do without our volunteers, they greatly enhance the impact that we make on the peoples life.

Our board members have all been supporting us for numerous years. They give us direction and play a vital role in the organisation.

For some organisational matters we rely on Impact4A. They assist with project development, online content, communication, finances and funding.

Thobile Msezane

Director, Social worker, Founder

Thobile is the driving force and the face of the organisation. She has been working as a social worker and a counsellor since the mid 90's and laid the foundations of AL-organisation in 2001.

Martijn Verbeek

Advisory to director

Born in the Netherlands and living in Kwazulu Natal since 17 years. Has years of experience in managing a charity and is entrepreneur and business owner sinds 1996. Is working with AL-organisation since 2006. His role within the organisation is as a mentor and organisational advisor.

Nokukhanya Gumede


Sihle Mtshali

Social worker

Snethemba Mbatha

Social auxiliary worker

Nobuhle Sylvia Dlamini

Social auxiliary worker

Hlengiwe Ndlovu

Social auxiliary worker

Sinqobile Dlamini


Simiso Dlamini

Database manager, Board-member

Has been involved with the origination for ten years .....

Clinton Wright


Nelisiwe Mbatha


Bernadette Hafkamp

Independent consultant/org. support

Internal project management, organisational support and communication. Is working on development within the organisation. Linked to our organisation since 2018.

Our partners